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About Touch for Health
Energy Kinesiology

Energy Kinesiology is not the only wellness tool we use at ZenbrioHouse -
But, it is the most versatile and powerful tool in our toolkit. 

  • What Results Should I Expect?
    Energy Kinesiology sessions are remarkably effective in clearing stress of all kinds. Even though I don’t know what results you’ll get, here are the common things people experience: A boost to your energy levels, vitality, clarity and/or productivity Pain relief, improved mobility and comfort, and physical healing A boost to your mood and mental outlook A sense of inner peace or inspiration New awareness around an area of your life that matters to you An ease or calmness to how you respond to something stressful (a diffused stress response) A sense of release or relief from whatever is weighing you down New awareness of your ability to correct your own imbalances with your own hands A sense of empowerment that you can impact your health from home
  • How do I prepare for my session?
    You’ll want to be well hydrated, and to think about what you’d like the focus of your session to be. We can do a generic session to help you feel better overall, or we can focus on any subject that is important to you. These questions can help narrow it down: What can be better? How do you want to feel, that you are not feeling right now? Is there something challenging, a problem, or a goal you want to achieve? Is there something causing you stress, and how would you like to respond differently? For a Telehealth session, download the Zoom app. Set up your phone or computer in an area where I can see you, and you can move around a little bit.
  • What makes the session holistic?
    Sessions are holistic, meaning we do not focus on treating any symptoms, we focus on you as a whole person in the context of your life. The techniques that are used are based primarily in Touch For Health, Energy Kinesiology and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Using interactive bodywork in this holistic model, we can diffuse the stress that is causing you to go out of balance. The process boosts your immune system, resets your posture, balances your energy meridians, and your mental outlook. The balancing of all of your systems as a whole, is what gets you to a more homeostatic state and diffuses stress, promoting healing to occur.
  • What happens during a session?
    Usually we’ll have a conversation about what you want out of the session. We will pre-asses how you are doing before we begin. I may ask you to rate things like your physical pain, emotional stress, how well you are sleeping lately, your energy levels, etc. Then, I’ll walk you through simple movements that allow us to assess the performance of various muscles/meridians/organ systems. If we are working together in person I will apply a light muscle test. If any movements or muscle tests are imbalanced (usually these have some discomfort, limited range, etc.) we will identify a correction that your body prefers, to get it back to feeling good. We will do a series of checking, correcting, and re-checking those movements as we balance your posture. In-person sessions often include manual therapy, depending on your needs and comfort level. At the end we will do a post-assessment to note the positive improvements.
  • What types of movements will I do?
    We will do muscle movements representing the meridians/organs of Traditional Chinese Medicine. For example, you will lift your arm forward, protract your scapula (shoulder blade), and move your arm up and down as if you were shaking hands with a giant. This tests Serratus Anterior muscle and Lung Meridian. Weakness makes it difficult to push things forward with the arms straight, causing the shoulder blades to wing out in back. This muscle needs to be functioning fully for ideal breathing and activities that require good breath control. Sometimes if both sides are weak it may be due to stiffness in the lower bones in the neck, or it may be due to the fact that the stress in your life is causing you to “lose your voice” literally or figuratively. We can balance the muscle/meridian by applying a correction. I’ll walk you through that part! These are simple techniques, such as rubbing a neurolymphatic point (a certain spot on your body). Applying the correction makes the movement feel easier, and it balances the meridian/organ. At the end we will do a post-assessment to note the positive improvements.
  • What subjects can you help me with?
    We can focus on anything important to you. Any goal you want to achieve or stress you want to relieve past, present or future. What can be better in your life? Examples of things you might balance for: Something Physical Relieve the tension in your neck and shoulders, back pain, headache, boost your immune system, breathe easier, etc. A Goal You Want To Achieve/Something Challenging You Want To Feel Easier Communicate with spouse better, Speak easily in front of a group or on camera, Be motivated to take care of your health and fitness once and for all, Clear the clutter overwhelming your garage, Find a new hobby that fills your soul, etc. Diffuse A Stressor/Trigger Go Costco without being annoyed by other shoppers, No longer feel triggered by the sounds your spouse makes while eating, Release the emotions that arise when you think about something in your past, etc. The possibilities are limitless...
  • How long are sessions/ How much does it cost?
    In-Person $135 for 90min $155 for 2hrs Prices reflect a $45 discount for paying at time of service. If your are billing insurance for a MVA or Worker’s Comp Claim, sessions are $155 per hour and usually limited to 60min. session length per appointment depending on your claim. Telehealth $122 for 80min. The easiest way to pay for your telehealth session is to buy yourself a gift certificate.
  • Do you take insurance?
    Yes I take insurance for In-Person sessions. Clients must get pre-authorized to verify coverage. Learn How > The insurance pre-authorization process usually takes 3 days, and you will get an email with the results including your coverage, copay, etc. Once approved you can schedule your appointment. I cannot bill insurance for Telehealth sessions.
  • Is it fun?
    Self Care should be fun. If it’s not, you’re doing it wrong. I am quick to laugh and I want to enjoy the alignment process with you. Even if you want to “go deep fast” or tackle a big problem, infusing some fun into our session can be very balancing. Most people say they have a good time and are surprised how enjoyable the process can be to overcome their stress. That’s part of the magic.
  • Can I learn to do this on my own?
    YES! It is my passion to share this profound healing modality with as many people as possible. I would be so thrilled if you’d like to learn more, or join me for a class! Find a list of classes at Zenbrio.School

Learn more about our team of Energy coaches and what Energy Kinesiology means for your life.

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